Podcastanbefalinger om krop, sex og seksualitet

Recommendations for podcasts about the body, sex and sexuality

There are a large variety of amazing podcasts. Podcasts are a great format, where you have the opportunity to feel seen and not alone with thoughts or questions about sex, the body and sexuality. We have gathered a collection of recommendations for podcasts, so you know which options you have in these subjects

Podcasts about love, feelings and much more

Hjerteflimmer for voksne is a true darling, and deals with all aspects of love. Every week, host Sara Bro and sexologist Jytte Vikkelsø is joined by famous Danes, bringing a love dilemma from their own life. A very nice podcast, that manages to deal with many aspects of love.

Skam dig (shame on you) is a wonderful podcast by Nikoline, who is also behind the Instagram account @nicoudenskam. In this podcast, Nikoline deals with different topics that might be hard to talk about, like; being transgender, masturbation, porn, psychological violence and much more. A brutally honest postcast aimed at bringing down taboos and normalizing the struggles of everyday life.

Queer sex ed is a sex-positive, queer-positive platform for open, honest and direct communication. Every month, Jay and Sara explore different topics related to queer identity, BDSM, kink and sex work in their podcast. The ideal podcast for guidance, breaking taboos and getting an answer to all your questions. 

Spøgelser med følelser (ghosts with feelings) is a podcasts made by the friends Ditte and Josefine, who speaks honestly and in an exploratory manner about why we ghost other people, get ghosted ourselves, and how it affects the desire to date. 

We can also recommend Sex and Psychology, which is exactly the sex education you wish you had gotten. Nu vi snakker om det (Now that we're on the subject) which is a podcast starring 3 men who talk about both small and large feelings related to sex, the body and love. And last but not least, Vild med Svans, Alexander and Jonas' experiences as gay men.

Podcasts about sex

Sex with Emily is a popular podcast starring sex-therapist Emily Morse, who educates her listeners on sex, relationships and everything in between. The podcasts hosts experts, famous people and also features a mailbox with questions from listeners. 

Call her daddy is a special star on the large nightsky. For starters you need to get used to the very explicit, Californian way of speaking the two hosts, Cooper and Franklyn, share, but slowly you'll start loving them. The podcast contains advice, anecdotes, discussions of "embarrassing" moments and conversations between the two friends. 

Guys we fuck is a podcast which focuses on changing the way society views the sexuality of women, paving the way for a new, healthier outlook on sex. With stand-up comedians Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchison as hosts, the most taboo subjects are discussed, experts are interviewed on sexual health and cultural icons, and guys they've fucked are mentioned as well. 

Besides these, there are Bare Sex (Just Sex) on Radio Loud, which is a conversational podcast starring two friends with the purpose of speaking about sex in a natural way, Soft Spot with Anna Lin and Amanda Wendel who, with a relaxed and friendly way of approaching it, deals with sex, and lastly there is We are having gay sex with comedian Ashley Gavin, who interviews guests from the entire sexual spectrum. 

Podcasts about niches   

Future of sex explores the world of sex tech and the industry located in the crossfield between sexuality, technology and the human in-between. The host Bryony Cole speaks with sex tech leaders and experts about the evolution of sex tech products. Furthermore, Bryony recently started a sex tech school for entrepreneurs and investors in the industry. It is a podcast which will make you a bit wiser on the scientific niches of the industry, but also deals with "skin hunger", the biological need for physical touch, and other more basic subjects.

Ask a sub is an advisory podcast for the kink-interested. The podcast helps you live out your kink dreams. The host Lina Dune brings wellness kink to the masses and equips any kinkster with the necessary tools to become their own BDSM BFF.

Why are people into that is likewise a podcast that explores kink, gender and love.

Podcasts are great for seeking answers and guidance if you have questions about your body, sexuality, and love, but remember: your body and your sexuality is not the same as someone else's, everyone is different.