Pelvic floor

Pelvic floor

It's very common to experience problems reaching orgasm. But did you know that a routine with a good pelvic floor trainer can help you build muscle, improve bladder control and give you stronger orgasms?

7 products

What can a pelvic floor trainer do?

The pelvic floor is the muscle group that supports the pelvic organs and connects the urethra and rectum. Everyone has a pelvic floor and can benefit greatly from exercising it. Yet many people only associate pelvic floor training with people with a vulva.

While you can get a pelvic floor trainer specifically for the vulva, there are also other methods for tightening your lower abdomen. These include the classic squat exercises or a pelvic floor trainersuch as a pelvic floor pillow.

Here are Empelvic cushion developed by professionals with many years of specialization in sexual health, it won a Danish Design Award in 2020 for its innovative expression. The pillow is special because it can be used to both train your abdomen to tense up correctly, but also to relax correctly. Buy the Empelvic cushion today at Peech!

Why you need a pelvic floor trainer

With age, the muscles of the pelvic floor can become less elastic and lose their ability to respond. In addition, surgery, stress or childbirth can also affect them. Weakened pelvic floor muscles are often accompanied by incontinence problems, i.e. a greater or lesser degree of inability to hold your pee. The use of a pelvic floor trainer can help to tighten the muscles, which can help with incontinence.

Everyone can benefit from exercising the pelvic floor, whether it's to relieve incontinence or to have better orgasms. Health is important for a happy life, and intimate health should certainly not be underestimated.

For people with a penis, weakened pelvic floor muscles can also cause erectile dysfunction. While exercising the pelvic floor is not necessarily a miracle cure, it is an easy and effective way to reduce or eliminate them. Sometimes erectile dysfunction can be caused by something other than weakened muscles, but pelvic floor exercises can be beneficial either way.

Pelvic floor training

By simply doing squats or trying one of our pelvic floor trainers, you can train your muscles very easily and quickly. But how do you use pelvic floor balls, also known as squat balls, kegel balls and love balls?

The balls (or whatever shape they are) are inserted into the vagina and you gently tighten the pelvic floor for about 10 seconds. Sigh deeply as you exhale and relax your pelvic floor, this relaxes the muscles. Take a short break, about half a minute, and then repeat the exercise about 10-15 more times. In the beginning, however, you should not exercise for more than 5 minutes.

At the same time, pelvic floor exercises can help with challenges like vaginismus. Vaginismus is a condition where the muscles in the lower abdomen of people with vulva involuntarily tighten. This can make penetration painful and sometimes impossible.

It may seem counterintuitive to do pelvic floor exercises and learn to tense up when you're struggling with over-tightening. But in fact, pelvic floor exercises can teach your lower abdomen to tighten in the right way. This way you can gain better control so you can tense up or relax when you need to.