

The clitoral vibrator is part of the latest innovation in the sex toy market. Unlike the regular vibrator, a clitoral vibrator utilizes new ways of stimulating and massaging the intimate zones - for example with pressure wave technology.

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Extra pleasure with a clitoral vibrator

Unlike a regular vibratora clitoral vibrator works by enveloping and stimulating the visible part of the clitoris with air waves. They propagate into the arms and provide a deep, throbbing massage. The visible part of the clitoris can vary in size. So while our range of clitoral stimulators come in many different sizes, some may not fully encircle the clitoris. But don't despair!

There are many ways to stimulate both the visible and invisible parts of the clitoris - even without a clitoral vibrator. If you want to learn more about stimulating the different parts of the clitoris, you can also read our guide to positions that hit and stimulate the clitoris and G-spot. Some believe that the invisible part of the clitoris is actually the G-spot. Read more about this and get advice on how to stimulate the G-spot.

Clitoral vibrator or clitoral stimulator?

Although they seem similar at first glance, vibrators and stimulators differ from each other in one important way. While vibrators provide massage directly on the skin, stimulators work by enveloping the clitoris and pulsing. There is no direct touch. This can provide a different, and for many, more intense stimulation. This is because the air waves emitted through the small opening on the stimulator propagate through the clitoral arms and into the pelvis.

Many people ask if you can you go numb from using stimulatorsnow that there is no direct touch. The answer is this; the clitoris can become slightly numb if you use a stimulator for a long time or several times within a few days. The clitoris has over 8000 nerve endings and is therefore very sensitive!

Although it's tempting and hard to put down, it's a good idea to limit its use a little. The numbness isn't a permanent condition, but it's still good to use it in moderation. That way, you'll get the best use and optimal touch out of your stimulator every time.

Want to try a clitoral vibrator or a clitoral stimulator but are unsure which type of vibrator model is right for you? Read our complete guide to choosing a clitoral stimulator here and get advice on how to choose the right one.